You are currently browsing the archives for the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit category.

Data, Government, and a Little Bit of Cake – My Internship Story

Published on: Author: Megan Yates

Unit PhD student Megan Yates is in her third year of her postgraduate studies and recently worked at the Scottish Government as part of an internship organised through the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science. Megan explains her experience working alongside analysts working at the heart of government. In September I returned to my PhD… Continue reading

Being a PhD Student

Published on: Author: Ian MacNeill

At the start of the year many are considering the benefits of further study and embarking on a career in research. PhD Student Ian MacNeill, who has just completed his first year with the Unit, reflects on his experiences to offer some advice. By Ian MacNeill, PhD student, researching how interventions delivered by football charities… Continue reading